Some feedback from our friends

Feedback from clients is always important, be it positive or negative. That assist us in improving our product, and to ensure that our performance exceed all expectations. We take pride in publishing some of the feedback we got from our clients over the last few years


More julle almal.
Dankie dat ek die naweek met julle kon deel.Ek het dit geniet en het dit regtig leersaam gevind.Ek dink Thys het hom baie goed van sy taak gekwyt en hoop om julle weer te sien met die opvolg prakties!Ek vertrou dit sal my pas as julle tot finale datum besluit vir die Atlantis duine.
Kom maak gerus ‘n draai by Midas as julle in Piketberg kom.Of skakel my as julle ‘n ordentlike “compressor” soek.”Staff” pryse aan julle 4x4 span!
Vriendelike  groete.Dankie Thys!!!
André Kennedy
Midas-Motolek-Agri Bike
May 25
Hi Thys, and thanks once again for a great weekend. Definitely one to remember!
Clifford Graham

Thanks Thys it was exactly what I was after and you made it great fun.
Thanks again to all for the experience!  It made a pleasant change from selling insurance to companies !
Warm regards,
Corporate Consultant
Hi Thys
Baie dankie vir 'n baie professionele aanbieding, ons het dit werklik baie geniet.  Jy kan my voertuig inboek vir die 14de, ek wil verseker nog 'n bietjie ondervinding optel!  CAMXXXXX.
Liesel Kershoff,
Dankie aan jou ook, dit was fantasties!
...en jy was reg ek het gedroom ek ry met die fortuner deur riviere...
2 Aug is reg met my
Die Fortuner se registrasie nommer

Evening Thys
Trust this mail finds you, your team, and course participants, well rested, and deservedly so.
Was glad to hear that you and 'AGA' made it safely home, since I had my doubts about "it" adapting to the tar roads after the almost effortless performance the weekend (kept you in 'convoy' sight in my rear view mirror after we left Piketberg, until Anton disappeared out of sight in front of me. I eventually caught up with him (just as he left the N7 at Malmesbury).
My personal thanks to you, Anton, Stu, Alan, Team Offroad, the ladies, and last, but definitely not least, the Bootcamp 2013 "High 5" namely Bill, Alro, Piet, Jeremy and Ali, for a most enjoyable, as well as entertaining, weekend. The venue, and facilities too, were superb.
Thank you for inviting me. It was indeed a privilege to have witnessed an 'A team' who proverbially "Came, Saw, and Conquered" the Tiger on the Mountain. What made your achievement even more special was the fact that you dealt with rain, mist, darkness and sunshine. You even inspired the Stormers.
Congratulations guys. You not only earned your 'colours', but deserve to be called "Advanced" Off-road drivers.
Congratulations once again, and well done!
Keep in touch.
Leon Naudé
Hi All, 
A big thank you to everyone involved, especially to great teachers, Thys and Anton, and not forgetting the other guys that had valued input. I 
had a truly memorable weekend and learned an enormous amount in a short space of time and can only grow my experience and knowledge 
from these well presented learning experiences. 
The photos are awesome, and just a pity my blackberry couldn't match the quality and I have Windows 8 so still trying to figure out how to 
make the pictures smaller and then I'll send to Thys. Maybe some can be of use? Now at least I can show that it wasn't a weekend of having a 
leisurely time but work and fun. 
Kind Regards 
To all
Jeremy Littlejohn

Hi All

Both Irene and I want to thank all the people involved with bootcamp this weekend for making it a truly great experience. Thys, Anton, Stewart, Alan and the ladies who made the course what it was. I can’t think of a more pleasurable weekend of  learning than this last weekend. Of course all the other attendees Alro, Ali, Jeremy and Piet also contributed to the success. Not forgetting Steven and his great venue and amenities.

I will be putting a bunch of photos on Picasa  as soon as I figure it out.

Once again Thanks to everyone involved

Bill and Irene.


Hallo Thys,

Jy sal moontlik onthou, maar ek en my familie het nie lank na jou kursus 'n trip na Kaokoland gedoen. Ek is bly om te rapporteer dat die trip baie goed afgeloop het en dat ons dit baie geniet het........nie eers een pap wiel gehad nie!! Maar wat ek eintlik wou se is dat jou kursus baie gehelp het, veral vir Francois en Ricus wat geen 4x4 ondervinding gehad het nie. Daar is ook gereeld na jou kursus verwys......"Thys het gese jy moet dit of dat doen".

Mooi loop,

Hannes Kritzinger


Bootcamp 2011

As a part of the organising commitee and the crew of the weekend, I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to all involved in this event. You guys made it a roaring success! Until we meet again...



Just want to thank the instructors for presenting an experience of a lifetime. The instruction was exceptional and encouragement, expertise and assistance during practical driving in some of the most difficult terrain saw us all get through without any bad incidents. Well done to all of you. The team spirit and support from all participants was something I have never experienced to that degree. Thank you to everyone that made it such a memorable occasion.

Val Davies


What a great weekend'' is an understatement!! All instructors and organizers made the training feel like a weekend away with friends. Thanks to all of you for you hard work, time, sacrifices and expertise so that we could gain valuable training, knowledge and memories to last a lifetime. Of course driving a 'Datsun' also helped...

Shawn Warren


Drive-Out Academy Training - June 2012

Dankie Thys vir al die inligting en moeite met die naweek se kursus. Ek het dit baie geniet veral om uit te vind hoeveel ek nie weet nie. Die kursus was baie goed aangebied in beide fasette, teorie en prakties. Ek sien uit om julle weer te sien.

Dawid Hurter


Thanks Thys It was a great experience thanks to you and Anton and Dirk and of course all the other colleagues on the course. Only one way to make it better would have been making it a few days longer.

Bill Butler


Hi Thys, Nogmals dankie vir 'n onvergeetlike naweek, ons het SO baie geleer en dit was 'awesome' lekker ! Ek het 'n hele paar fotos van 'brood' - moet ek dit vir jou e-mail ? As daar enige fotos van ons en die Landy is sal ek ook graag daarvan wil kry.


The day ended – as is usual around a capable 4x4 like the Fortuner……… just get them to move; it is there; really it is……… Please excuse all the Fortuner’ing, but on a serious note thanks to Thys & Anton for a great course! (Pss Anton does that get me extra credit? See you in the dunes next weekend.

Tim Hughes

First of all, thanks to Tim "Fortuner Man" for so speedily supplying photographic evidence that although the Toyotas undoubtedly crawled up in great numbers, the Mitsubishi "flew" up the steepest obstacles with a "look mum, no hands" type of approach. Thys, please include me in for the dunes on Saturday where I will try not to remove all tupperware from my car.   Let me know what I must do bring when you get a chance.

Garth Mills